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about us

The company - the people - the customers

Robiac was founded in 2001 by Brian English and Willie Brien, engineers with a background in hardware development, manufacturing and software. The company is based in the National Software Centre in Cork, Ireland.
We develop tactical software tools using appropriate technology - web-based, mobile-based, script-based, desktop-based - depending upon the application and the budget. You can see more about our services here.
Robiac strives to develop long term relationships with our customers.
We work with some of the leading Fortune 500 companies, with state agencies and local authorities. We keep their business confidential, but you can ask us for references.

Brian English

Brian leads the software development function at Robiac.

He has held senior management roles with Logitech, Apple, Amdahl and Hasbro. Brian holds B.E. and M.I.E degrees from University College, Dublin. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland

Click here to contact Brian

Willie Brien

Willie leads the consulting and marketing function at Robiac.

He has held senior management roles with Centronics, MAC and Logitech. Willie holds a B.E. from University College, Dublin and a Dip Mgt from Trinity College, Dublin

Click here to contact Willie